Lorenzo Frau, known as ‘Renzo’, was born in Cagliari in 1881. He left Sardinia for military service in Milan, which he completed successfully earning the title of lieutenant. He married Savina Pisati and moved to Turin, at the time a real hub of Italian culture. He initially worked as a sales representative for Gribaudi and then for Dermoide Patent, manufacturer of faux leather. Having moved to Great Britain for work, he was able to discover the Chesterfield model armchairs and immediately imagined its potential, successfully starting to import it into Italy. At the same time, however, he was also attracted by the models of French and Central European style. He therefore decided to create his own artisan production laboratory. It was 1912: Poltrona Frau was created. From the initial work ‘in style’, Frau quickly moved onto direct design. Poltrona Frau became not only a production pole, but also a meeting point for artists and intellectuals.